<%NUMBERING1%>.<%NUMBERING2%>.<%NUMBERING3%> PRTG Manual: Main Menu Structure
You can access all functions via the main menu bar. In this section, you find information about the most important menu items. You can either directly click a menu item or you can hover over it to show more options.

Main Menu Bar
This documentation refers to an administrator that accesses the PRTG web interface on a master node. Other user accounts, interfaces, or failover nodes might not have all of the options in the way described here. In a cluster, note that failover nodes are read-only by default.
The following menu items are available:
Click to open your homepage. The default homepage is the Welcome page. Hover over Home to show other options.

Main Menu: Home
Sample Dashboard
Open a preconfigured dashboard to view monitoring data in a different layout. This dashboard is one of the default maps that PRTG automatically creates with a new installation.
The Home menu shows maps that have a 5-star priority ( ) To show a map here, give it 5 stars on the Maps overview via the main menu bar. You can include up to 10 map entries in the menu. For more information, see section Maps in Home Menu.
You can change the appearance of the default dashboard with the Map Designer. To not show the sample dashboard in the menu, define a priority that is lower than 5 stars for this map.
This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.
Switch Cluster Node
This option is only available if PRTG runs in a cluster.
Show available cluster nodes. Hover over Switch Cluster Node to show other options. Follow the menu path that is specific to your setup to select a different cluster node. The current master node is shown in bold letters. Click a cluster node's name to leave the current cluster node, to connect to the other cluster node, and to show the same page there.
This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.
Welcome to PRTG
Open the Welcome page that shows the Paessler news feed and various information about your PRTG installation. It also provides links to major sections of the PRTG web interface.
This is the default homepage of the PRTG web interface.
Make This My Homepage
Change the page that is loaded when you click Home in the main menu bar. Select this option on any page to set its URL as your homepage. This setting is user sensitive. The default homepage is /welcome.htm.
You can also change the homepage under Homepage URL in the My Account settings.
Click to show the device tree. Hover over Devices to show other options.

Main Menu: Devices
Open the Overview tab of the root group that shows the device tree.
Favorite Devices
Open a table list of all devices that you marked as favorites. Click to show a printable list of the QR codes of all your favorite devices.
To mark any device as a favorite device, select Priority/Favorite | Add to Favorites from its context menu, or click on a device's Overview tab.
Device List
Open a list of all devices in your setup.
Open an overview list of the dependencies configured for the objects in your setup. You can select dependencies and define master dependencies in the Schedules, Dependencies, and Maintenance Windows object settings (not available for the root group).
Add Group
Start a dialog that guides you through the process of adding a new group to your setup.
For more information, see section Create Objects Manually.
You can also create new groups by selecting Add Group from a probe's or group's context menu.
Add Auto-Discovery Group
Start a dialog that guides you through the process of adding a new auto-discovery group to your setup. PRTG creates a new group and runs an auto-discovery in your network to automatically add devices and sensors to this group.
For more information, see section Add an Auto-Discovery Group.
You can also create new auto-discovery groups by selecting Add Auto-Discovery Group from a probe's or group's context menu.
This option is not available on the hosted probe of a PRTG Hosted Monitor instance.
Add Device
Start a dialog that guides you through the process of adding a new device to a group. During the process, you can choose if PRTG runs an auto-discovery for the new device to automatically add sensors.
For more information, see section Create Objects Manually.
You can also create new devices by selecting Add Device from a group's context menu.
Click to open the Libraries list where you can view or add custom device tree views of your network status and monitoring data. Hover over Libraries to show other options.
For more information, see section Libraries.

Main Menu: Libraries
Open the Libraries list where you can view or add custom device tree views of your network status and monitoring data.
Add Library
Open a dialog to create a new library.
Select Library
Open a library. Hover over Select Library to show more options. Follow the alphabetical menu path that is specific to your setup to view your libraries. Click a library to open it.
Click to open a list of all sensors. Hover over Sensors in the main menu bar to show other options.

Main Menu: Sensors
Open a table list of all sensors. In list, you can sort the items via the column headers.
The column Last Value shows only the last value of the sensor's primary channel.
Add Sensor
Start a dialog that guides you through the process of adding a new sensor to a device. For more information, see section Add a Sensor. During the process, you can also choose to create a new device via the Add a Device dialog, which you can also open directly from the Devices menu.
Favorite Sensors
Open a list of all sensors that you marked as favorites.
To mark any sensor as a favorite sensor, select Priority/Favorite | Add to Favorites from its context menu or click on a sensor's Overview tab.
Top 10 Lists
Open a dashboard view with different top 10 lists that show the highest uptime or downtime, Ping response times, the bandwidth usage, website response times, the CPU usage, the disk usage, the memory usage, and the system uptime. Click to show top 10 lists for all sensors. Hover over Top 10 Lists to show other options. Follow the menu path that is specific to your setup to only view top 10 lists for a specific probe or group.
The shown sensors are selected by default tags.
By Current Value
Open a list of sensors filtered by value. Hover over By Current Value to show other options. Follow the menu path to view lists of sensors with the Fastest Value or the Slowest Value for
- Ping
- Port
- Webpages
as well as a list of sensors with the Highest Value or the Lowest Value regarding
- Bandwidth
- Disk
- Memory
The shown sensors are selected by default tags.
By Current Status
Open a list of sensors filtered by status. Hover over By Current Status to show other options. Follow the menu path to view lists of all sensors in a specific status.
For more information, see section Sensor States.
By Uptime/Downtime
Open a list of sensors filtered by different parameters. Hover over By Uptime/Downtime to show other options. Follow the menu path to view lists of all sensors sorted by
- Best Uptime (%)
- Highest Uptime (Time)
- Worst Downtime (%)
- Highest Downtime (Time)
By Type
Open a list of sensors filtered by sensor type. Hover over By Type to show other options. Follow the alphabetical menu path that is specific to your setup to view a sensor list that contains only sensors of one specific sensor type.
By Tag
Open a list of sensors filtered by tag. Hover over By Tag to show other options. Follow the alphabetical menu path that is specific to your setup to see available tags. Select a tag to view a list that contains only sensors marked with this tag.
If you have more than 1,000 tags, no tags are shown here. For more information, see section Tags.
By Performance Impact
Open a list of sensors filtered by performance impact. Follow the menu path to view a sensor list that contains only sensors with a specific level of impact on the performance of the probe. You can choose between the following levels of impact:
- Very High
- High
- Medium
- Low
- Very Low
For an overview list of sensors sorted by performance impact, see also section List of Sensors by Performance Impact.
Cross Reference
Open the sensor cross reference to show information about all sensors including priority and favorite status, scanning interval, access rights, notification trigger settings, schedules, and dependencies. Click to show a sensor cross reference for all sensors. Hover over Cross Reference to show other options. Follow the menu path that is specific to your setup to view cross reference information for sensors by type or tag.
View Historic Data
Open a dialog to generate historic sensor data reports.
For more information, see section Historic Data Reports.
Similar Sensors Overview
Open an overview with a list of similar sensors.
For more information, see section Similar Sensors.
Click to open a list of all sensors that show the Down, Down (Partial), Down (Acknowledged), Warning, or Unusual status. Hover over Alarms to show other options.

Main Menu: Alarms
Open a list of all sensors that are in the Down, Down (Partial), Down (Acknowledged), Warning, or Unusual status.
Show as Gauges
Open a page with the gauges of all sensors that are in the Down, Down (Partial), Down (Acknowledged), Warning, or Unusual status. The size of the gauges corresponds to the sensor's priority.
Errors Only
Open a list of all sensors that are in the Down, Down (Partial), or Down (Acknowledged) status.
Warnings Only
Open a list of all sensors that are in the Warning status.
Unusuals Only
Open a list of all sensors that are in the Unusual status.
Click to open the Maps overview where you can view or add custom views of your network status and monitoring data. Hover over Maps to show other options.
For more information, see section Maps.

Main Menu: Maps
Open the Maps list where you can view or add custom views of your network status and monitoring data.
Add Map
Open a dialog to create a new map.
Select Map
Hover over Select Map to show a list of your maps. Click a map to open it.
Click to open the Reports overview where you can view or add reports about your monitoring data. Hover over Reports to show other options.
For more information, see section Reports.

Main Menu: Reports
Open the Reports list where you can view or add reports about your monitoring data.
Add Report
Open a dialog to create a new report.
Select Report
Hover over Select Report to show a list of your reports about monitoring data. Click a report to open it.
Configuration Reports
Hover over Configuration Reports to see the available configuration reports. Select an item to create reports for maps, reports, users and user groups, and system configuration to document changes to the configuration.
Click to show log information for all objects in your configuration. Hover over Logs to show other options.
For more information, see section Logs.
Logs for monitoring objects (for example, sensors) are available as long as you define Log File Records in the Historic Data Purging settings under Setup | System Administration | Core & Probes.

Main Menu: Logs
Open a list with log information about all objects in your installation. The list begins with the most recent log entry.
Status Changes
Open a list with log information about specific status changes. Hover over Status Changes to show the following sensor states:
- Up & Down
- Down
- Warning
- Unusual
- Up
- Paused/Resumed
- Acknowledged Alarms
System Events
Open a list with log information about specific system event types. Hover over System Events to show the following event types:
- Probe Related
- Cluster Related
- Auto-Discovery Related
- Notifications Related
- Status Message Related
Object History
Open a list with log information about changes to the PRTG setup and deletions of subordinate system objects. The Object History has several tabs. To view the changes to all related settings and deletions of objects, use the following tabs:
- My Account
- System Administration
- Notification Templates
- Schedules
- User Accounts
- User Groups
- Reports
- Libraries
- Maps
You can also navigate to a corresponding page, for example, you can select Setup | Account Settings | My Account from the main menu bar, and click in the page header bar to directly go to the related object history tab.
Click to show all open tickets that are assigned to you. Hover over Tickets to show other options.
For more information, see section Tickets.

Main Menu: Tickets
My Tickets
Open a list of all open tickets that are assigned to you. Hover over My Tickets to show other options to filter these tickets according to their status.
All Tickets
Open a list of all open tickets of all users. Hover over All Tickets to show other options to filter these tickets according to their status.
ToDo Tickets
Open a list of open tickets of the type ToDo. Hover over ToDo Tickets to show other options to filter these tickets according to their status.
Add Ticket
Open the Add Ticket dialog to create a user ticket.
For more information about available options, see section Tickets.
Click to show the setup page. Hover over Setup to show other options.
For more information, see section Setup.

Main Menu: Setup
Open the setup page.
Account Settings
Open the My Account settings. Hover over Account Settings to directly show and open the the account settings tabs:
System Administration
Open the System Administration settings. Hover over System Administration to directly show and open the system administration tabs:
PRTG Status
Open the System Status page. If you run PRTG in a cluster, hover over PRTG Status to show other options:
License Information
Open the license information page.
This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.
Open information about the Software Auto-Update status of your PRTG installation. On this page, you can also download and install available updates. Hover over Auto-Update to show other options:
- Status: View the update status and manually check for the latest update.
- Settings: Define your update settings.
This option is not available in PRTG Hosted Monitor.
Optional Downloads
Open the download page for additional downloads. Hover over Optional Downloads to show other options:
Open the Application Programming Interface (API) Definition.
Help and Support Center
Open the Help and Support Center from where you can access the PRTG Manual, the Knowledge Base, and video tutorials. You can also open support tickets and contact our customer service from this page.
Contact Support
Open the Contact Paessler Support / Send Your Feedback to Paessler form.
Search Box

Main Menu: Search Box
Click the Search box to find objects in your monitoring setup. Enter your search term and press the Enter key. PRTG performs a string search in your entire monitoring setup, including groups, devices, sensors, libraries, maps, reports, tickets, and object comments, as well as in the PRTG Manual. You see all search results on a new page.
You can only search for names that are actually displayed. To search for a specific user, for example, use their display name. You cannot search for the user's login name or email address.
PRTG uses different logical operators for the search in tickets and for the search in other objects. For the ticket search, PRTG uses the logical operator OR. If you search for a string like 'operating system', for example, you receive results for all tickets that contain either 'operating' or 'system' or both. For all other objects, PRTG uses the logical operator AND. So you receive results for all other objects that contain both 'operating' and 'system'.
to log out of PRTG and return to the login screen.
Basic Procedures